Our Practice in Etobicoke, ON

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Local Business with Big Ambition

Our clinic houses a combination of optometry services from Dr. Ivy Koh and chiropractic care from her brother, Dr. Ivan Koh. Our main principles include independence, quality over quantity, and personalized one-on-one care. Much like our family-run clinic, we consider our patients to be an extension of our family, and we love to greet patients by name when they step through our door.

We offer eye care services such as comprehensive eye exams, myopia control for your kids, and much more. Your support for our small local business fuels our passionate team. We look forward to welcoming you and your family. Contact us to schedule your appointment today.

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Our Mission

Health care requires trust, and we build trust by building relationships. We believe you shouldn’t have to compromise when it comes to your vision, and that starts with personalized care. Your vision is precious, and we want to help you preserve it.

Highlights of Our Clinic

We’ve made a commitment to use the growth in our practice to help expand services to people in the Etobicoke community. We are passionate about giving back to the community, and to do so, we take part in various community initiatives, such as:

  • Regular education sessions about vision at the LAMP Community Health Centre for families
  • Donations of used eyewear to the Lions Club for use on eye missions to developing countries
  • Member of the local Mimico Business Improvement Association and support of local businesses in Etobicoke
  • Access to care is vital for our patients: wheelchair accessibility to our facilities and programs, such as the Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) and Ontario Works, are accepted and welcomed

Meet Dr. Ivy Koh

Clinic Owner & Lead Optometrist

Dr. Ivy Koh, a University of Waterloo graduate with over 14 years of clinical experience, is an accomplished optometrist. She has been recognized for her exceptional skills and experience with the A.W. Cole Award for Clinical Excellence and the E.J. Chisholm Award for achievement in pediatric optometry.

Dr. Koh’s passion for eye care led her to complete externships in large ophthalmology practices in the US, focusing on glaucoma, anterior segment, and retinal care. She has also gained extensive on-site experience in managing refractive laser eye surgery pre and post-operative care.

Dr. Koh has conducted continued educational research because she is committed to advancing knowledge in her field. She has also established a clinic in Etobicoke that focuses on providing orthokeratology and myopia control for children.

Dr. Koh’s passion for healthcare runs deep, stemming from her childhood experiences and family connections to the front lines of healthcare. One cause that holds a special place in her heart is organ donation and the Transplant Program at UHN. She strongly encourages everyone to sign their donor cards and make a difference in someone’s life.

In addition to her professional achievements, Dr. Koh is dedicated to giving back to her community. She volunteered as an optometrist at the 2010 Vancouver Olympic and Paralympic Games. Dr. Koh currently resides in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) with her husband and 2 daughters.

Watch Dr. Ivy Koh’s Exclusive Interview With Dina Pugliese Of Breakfast Tv Toronto Going Over The Concerns Of Screen Time And Myopia Progression In Children During The Pandemic!

Come Visit Us

You can find our clinic just down the street from Amos Waites Park. There is parking available on Superior Avenue or Green P Lot beside Home Hardware.

Our Address

  • 2398 Lake Shore Blvd. W #6
  • Etobicoke, ON M8V1C3

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Our Brands

We offer a wide range of unique, independent eyewear options and lenses from reputable brands like Essilor, HOYA, and more. Our complimentary consultations are backed by our comprehensive optical services, including digital eyewear measurements to help you find your fit.

We’re here to help you find your new favourite pair of frames. Explore our brands and visit us today to see what we offer.

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